Andrea Fryrear Writing


I’m Andrea

An entrepreneur and 2x bestselling author dedicated to helping you discover what business to build

As the co-founder of a seven-figure marketing business, I’ve gone through multiple evolutions of what it means to be an entrepreneur.

Through the stories I share in writing and on stage, a world-class online training program, and TWO bestselling books, I help people like you discover what type of business you want to build.

No one should dedicate 40 years of their life to a career and feel regret.

My Story

My story began with the revelation that working for someone else wasn’t an efficient way to realize my ambitions. Despite a start-early-stay-late workaholic approach, I felt like I was running in quicksand.

That’s not what I wanted for myself – and if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you don’t either.

At the time, I thought my best option was to ask my boss to go part-time so I could pursue building a business on the side.

Boy, was I wrong.

My boss gave me an ultimatum: continue working full-time or quit.

Could I keep slogging away for the benefit of a boss and a business I didn’t control? Or was it time to strike out in a new direction?

In 2016, I took the leap. I gave up my cushy 9-to-5 job and started my own company, AgileSherpas. I wanted to join people on their journey, not leave them to figure it out alone, so the “sherpa” name felt right.

There was very little evidence that I could pull this off, but I decided to try it anyway. I can’t say it’s been an easy climb, but I can say it’s been worth it.

My Story

My story began with the revelation that working for someone else wasn’t an efficient way to realize my ambitions. Despite a start-early-stay-late workaholic approach, I felt like I was running in quicksand.

That’s not what I wanted for myself – and if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you don’t either.

At the time, I thought my best option was to ask my boss to go part-time so I could pursue building a business on the side.

Boy, was I wrong.

My boss gave me an ultimatum: continue working full-time or quit.

Could I keep slogging away for the benefit of a boss and a business I didn’t control? Or was it time to strike out in a new direction?

In 2016, I took the leap. I gave up my cushy 9-to-5 job and started my own company, AgileSherpas. I wanted to join people on their journey, not leave them to figure it out alone, so the “sherpa” name felt right.

There was very little evidence that I could pull this off, but I decided to try it anyway. I can’t say it’s been an easy climb, but I can say it’s been worth it.

I understand why you wouldn’t want to give up everything without knowing if you have what it takes.


This six-year journey has taught me lesson after lesson, and now I want to guide you on your own climb.

Growing your own business is rife with pitfalls; without someone showing you where the quicksand is, you’re constantly at risk.

Instead, I’m extracting what I’ve learned to save you from years of drudgery and frustration.

There’s a massive difference between running a multimillion-dollar organization, being a solopreneur with no full time employees, and having a side hustle that allows you to work part-time.

None of these are superior. They’re all right for someone. The important thing is to find out what makes sense for you.

This Brings Me To You

I’m here to be your sherpa. My company is built on a foundation of empathy and expert guidance, to help you take the confusion and trepidation out of entrepreneurship and discover what type of business you want to build – together.

Through our free content, online training programs, and anything else we can think of – we’re in this to help you take action. To help you build a life that aligns your career and personal goals. A life that’s uniquely yours.

Whether you’re an up-and-coming talent or a seasoned professional looking to make a transition from corporate to entrepreneurship, I’m here to help you recognize and reach your innate potential.

This Brings Me To You

I’m here to be your sherpa. My company is built on a foundation of empathy and expert guidance, to help you take the confusion and trepidation out of entrepreneurship and discover what type of business you want to build – together.

Through our free content, online training programs, and anything else we can think of – we’re in this to help you take action. To help you build a life that aligns your career and personal goals. A life that’s uniquely yours.

Whether you’re an up-and-coming talent or a seasoned professional looking to make a transition from corporate to entrepreneurship, I’m here to help you recognize and reach your innate potential.

Stay Connected

I’d love to learn more about you and build a relationship. The best way to stay connected is to make sure you become one of my insiders – just click here and enter your name and email.

If we’re not connected yet on LinkedIn or Twitter, come on down! You’ll hear from me every week on social but if you want the inside scoop, the insiders list is where it’s at. I publish free content every week.

Plus, you’ll get to take the Closet Entrepreneur Quiz I developed to help you discover your entrepreneurship style, as soon as you subscribe.

The quiz will walk you through next steps based on how you relate to certain statements and ideas. Can’t wait for you to see your results.

Thanks for taking the time to visit. I’m excited we’re connected and look forward to the journey ahead.

